
Travelers News: Summer Safety Tips for Using a Gas Barbecue

Summer is a time for relaxing and enjoying the warm weather that comes our way, at least while it lasts. But along with the fun and social events that come with this popular season, it’s absolutely imperative that you don’t forget about gas safety if you’re thinking of hosting a barbecue.

There are lots of safety tips to follow when it comes to all barbecues, whether heat is generated by solid fuel or gas, so you must read the manufacturer’s handbook to ensure you’re using the barbecue as safely as possible.

Where solid fuel barbecues are one of the most popular options on the market, an increasing number of people are opting for a more convenient, fuss-free and almost instant alternative to the classic charcoal barbecue. But it’s important that you utilize the equipment in a safe and responsible manner to ensure that everyone in the vicinity is protected from harm.

In addition to reading the manufacturer’s guide, you should look to follow these gas safety tips to make sure your barbecue goes off without a hitch.

Put together a safety checklist

There are certain things you’ll have to tick off the list before firing up your gas barbecue and one of those things includes recognizing the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning. You should watch out for any of the following:

  1. Headaches
  2. Nausea
  3. Breathlessness
  4. Dizziness
  5. Collapse
  6. Loss of consciousness

If you notice any one of the aforementioned symptoms, you should call 999 right away and then notify a Gas Safe specialist of the leak. They’ll be able to identify where the leak has come from, but the area should be evacuated before then. 0800 Repair Gas will be able to come out to your home if you’re at all concerned about your gas barbecue leaking fuel.

As well as keeping an eye out for carbon monoxide poisoning, there are some other things you should keep in mind before starting to cook on your gas barbecue, including:

  • Never use a gas barbecue indoors
  • Do not use a gas barbecue in outdoor shelters, such as gazebos, tents, marquees and playhouses, for example
  • Do not use a gas barbecue in a caravan or cabin
  • Only put the barbecue away once it has completely cooled down
  • The area in which you cook in should be well away from any building or outhouse
  • The cooking area should be well-ventilated at all times
  • Check your barbecue for damage before using it, even if it’s brand new
  • Use the barbecue on level, even ground and on a non-compostable surface

Know how to maintain a gas barbecue

This is important, especially if you’ve never owned a gas barbecue before. Some of the things you should consider in order to keep it in the best possible condition for as long as possible include:

Check the condition of the barbecue before every use

The barbecue should not be damaged, warped or dented in any way, so you must check all areas to make sure it’s in good condition throughout, even if it’s fresh out of the box. You must also look at any pipes or hoses, ensuring they aren’t worn, stiff, cracked or damaged.

If you’re in any doubt at all, then do not use it. You’ll be able to call out one of our Gas Safe registered engineers to meticulously inspect the barbecue for you. Not only will this be a safer option if you aren’t sure what it is you’re looking at, but it’s also beneficial just for extra peace of mind.

Treat the gas cylinder with the utmost care

It’s important that gas cylinders are stored out of direct sunlight and in a well-ventilated place. It’s also paramount that it’s stored outdoors in an outbuilding that’s as far away from your house as possible. The area in which you store the cylinder should also be cool or at a steady, average temperature.

When changing the gas cylinder, turn off the gas taps and always perform this task in open air, away from any buildings, doorways or drain pipes. You should also always turn the gas cylinder off before turning the barbecue controls to the off position. This ensures that there isn’t any gas left in the pipeline.

Check for gas leaks thoroughly using the instructions in your handbook

There should be instructions that are outlined in the manual that came with your barbecue that’ll outline what you should look for if you suspect a gas leak. Often, it involves coating joints with a leak detection solution and keeping an eye out for any bubbles that might be produced.

Of course, if you find a leak, you should not use the barbecue, but you should seek further advice. We have a highly-skilled, fully-trained team of professionals at the helm of our operations who can advise you further about what you should do if you suspect a gas leak.

Store the barbecue responsibly when not in use

Once the season is over, you should clean your barbecue thoroughly before putting it away again. It’s also important that you do not leave the gas cylinder connected to the barbecue when you’re not using it. You should also store it in a dry environment at all times.

How can 0800 Repair Gas help you?

We have an expert team of Gas Safe registered engineers who you can look to for some of the most up to date, relevant advice when it comes to being safe around and/or operating your gas barbecue. So if you need some helpful, professional guidance that you’ll always be able to count on then you can look to us here at 0800 Repair Gas.

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